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Image by Mykyta Martynenko



Whāia te iti kahurangi kia hangaia he rā whai hua mō te āpōpō - To achieve personal excellence and build a better world for tomorrow.

We have a clear vision of a 21st century learning environment where learning has a purpose, is planned with students and is pursued through relevant and authentic contexts.

This means every student will have a personalised programme of learning that meets their individual needs, interests and passions.

The culture of our school is built on 'whānau', or 'family' - like structure, creating a safe and inclusive learning environment where students gain a sense of belonging.


Ka Hono - We Connect

Ka Whaikaha - We Strengthen and

Ka Whakamanawa tātou i tātou - We Inspire each other.


Ko Te Tiriti ka tū kei runga - A values led learning community that is Te Tiriti led 

Arā ko te manaakitanga, te whakawhanaungatanga, te whakamana me te pono. 

Ko ngā tauira kei waenganui - Students at the centre

Ko te hāpori kei te pito o te manawa - Community at the heart

Ka whai koha ki ngā tōpito katoa o te ao - Contributing to local and global communities 

Global Goals 

Kia ruku hōhonu, kia whai māramatanga, kia whai wāhi - Deep, visible and inclusive learning




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